Additional Web Space
How much extra space?
You can add as much extra space to any individual web site - in 50Mb blocks - as you like.
When you need more space, just buy another block and carry on as normal.
50Mb block of storage space
(per year)
Payment methods: We accept cheques, cash, direct bank transfers, UK & international money orders, major credit cards (MasterCard, Visa, Delta, American Express, JCB, Switch, Eurocard and Diners Club). If you choose not to use a credit card, your payment will need to be processed manually by us, and your order may be delayed. Payment must be received in full before orders can be processed.

VAT regulations: All our prices are quoted without VAT, and are subject to VAT at the applicable rate. If you're not subject to U.K. VAT regulations, please contact us to arrange your order personally (in order to avoid the VAT charge). In such cases, we will require your European Union tax or exemption number, or a valid invoicing address in a country that is not subject to UK or EU excise regulations.